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Youth campaign deserved support

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Commentary reprinted from the UMConnection: News
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June 9, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 11


Letters to the editor

Youth campaign deserved support
Praise God for the good work done at General Conference. What a challenge it is to those who were entrusted with such a large responsibility.

I do have one thought about what was reported in the budget synopsis printed in the May 19 UMConnection. It was reported, 'A request for $5.4 million for a media campaign aimed at youth was reduced to $500,000.'

When are we going to get it? Truly the youth are the church of today, but if we don't seriously take them into consideration when planning the future of The United Methodist Church with more than a mere pittance of financial backing, where will the denomination be by the time the next General Conference is held?

How sad I was to see something that could be an incredible influence on the youth stricken financially in such an enormous way. Today's youth rely on media and technology and are greatly influenced by it, often negatively. How much more could they be influenced positively by a campaign directed toward them and the grace that is available through Jesus Christ?

I pray that the delegates of 2008 consider what a media campaign created directly for our youth could do and support it with a vote for a budget that is realistic to make that possible.

Church leaders should uphold Discipline
I am writing in response to a commentary by the Rev. Dean Snyder in the May 19 UMConnection. I disagree with him and support the church's stance that finds homosexuality incompatible with church policies and practices. I oppose the full inclusion of gays and lesbians into every level of church life and ministry.

When I was ordained I agreed to support The United Methodist Church and uphold its teachings. I do not understand clergy in full connection who cannot conform to their vows of ordination. To support the inclusion of homosexuals in all aspects of the church's life, means such clergy disavow their ordination oath.

If there is no longer a responsibility to support the Social Principles of the church, such people should surrender their credentials. There must be loyalty to God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I see the issue of homosexuals' inclusion in the church as a sign that there is a crisis of faith in The United Methodist Church. More attention is being given to external social matters than internal spiritual growth and development.

The Scriptures are silent when it comes to the issue of homosexuals in the church. That does not mean we can read into these ethical matters as we so choose.

Anyone seeking leadership in the church must be an example for maintaining Christian principles and integrity. Being a leader in the church carries with it special qualities and responsibilities; not just anyone qualifies, that includes gays and lesbians.

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