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When relations mean more than money

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2 Corinthians 9: 1-8
By Mamie A. Williams

Twenty-five ago, I was faced with a personal dilemma. There was a foreign born family that needed a place to stay while studying at a local seminary. I had had previous house guest for short periods of time, but never for more than three or four days at a time.

When someone approached me about housing the family, my initial response was to say no. But I requested some time to pray on the matter because, as a single person, I needed to ask myself some questions: Am I willing to make the adjustment to having folk around all of the time? Is my space so precious and sacred to me that I would rather be alone than have to share my space? I am giving to folk all day, do I want to give more of myself when I get home?

At that point in my life, I was single pretty much by choice; did I want to give that up and 'do the right thing' by sharing my home with others?

These and other questions came to mind. I prayed and the power of the Holy Spirit directed me to welcome these two adults and two young children into the home that had been provided for me. We lived together for a year in more or less great harmony. The year ended and all of us went our separate ways.

In the Spring of 2006, I attended a reception for a colleague?s uncle. We fellowshipped for several hours when the reverend uncle said: 'Mamie, it has been 25 years since we have seen each other.'

At that moment, I recalled this pastor now speaking to me as the student pastor, husband and father of two young children who had lived with me in the 1979. What a shock. But praise be to God it was a good shock.

We may not all have money to give those in need at any particular time, but in this very diverse and transitional global community, there will always be the stranger that needs a place to call home for a season. I know that I grew because they were with me for a year, I can only hope and pray that it was a positive experience for all of them.

Second Corinthians 9:1-8 speaks of giving money to God?s people and doing so generously. I believe that sometimes giving money is much easier than giving time and space in a relationship to those who were once strangers and become friends.

My prayer is to always do that which pleases God and sometimes that is the more difficult action to take. But in God?s time, it is the act of generosity that is the true gift of God's amazing grace.

I spoke with that husband and father since the reception and all three (a son was conceived in the US and born in their homeland) of his children are doing very well. The beautiful wife and mother of this family died two years ago and now their beautiful only daughter is planning to begin her life with a new husband.

I understand she recalls 'Auntie Mame' fondly. Praise God that by God?s abundant grace, my self-centered selfish self gave way to opening new doors for strangers who became friends.

God has a lesson for each of us in every uttered Scripture and imagined word spoken by God. May we continue to open our best selves to the possibilities that God's word brings.

The Rev. Mamie A. Williams is the executive director of the Northeastern Jursidiction?s Multi-Ethnic Center.

for the Discipleship Adventure

Connect: Think of a time when you were a stranger in a strange land. How did people connect with you, to help you feel at home? How is your church reaching out to the community today?

Develop: In Acts 2:44-45, the new Christians held everything in common and shared all their possessions. Where else in Scripture do you find examples of generosity, service and sharing? How can your Bible study bring about change in your own life, your own church, when it comes to stewardship?

Serve: Williams? reflection focuses on how the sharing of her 'abundance' changed her life and relationship with God, leaving her richer in the act of giving. Where are you being called to give up or share what you have? When have you shared your own abundance only to find that you became richer in the process?


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