What are your best gifts?
As we move toward Epiphany, the UMConnection will explore some of the best gifts your church gives to God, its members and the world.
In the movie 'Walk the Line,' singer Johnny Cash is auditioning and things aren?t going well. The producer says something like, 'If you were hit by a truck and you were lying in the gutter dying and you had time to sing one song before you turn to dirt, one song that lets others and God know about how you felt about your time on earth ... what sums you up, something that?s real, what are you going to sing?'
That?s our Epiphany question to you. What does your church do that expresses the essence of who you are? What acts of celebration, connection, learning, service or faith-sharing will you share with us as the 'best of your best.'
Send your responses to before Dec. 15. We?ll publish a selection of them in the Jan. 3 UMConnection.
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