Welcoming opportunities await
Volunteers are needed for marshals, pages/tellers and ushers to serve at the upcoming 223rd session of the Baltimore-Washington-Conf-erence in Washington, D.C. May 24-26.
Marshals offer security, assistance, and assurance that people sit in the appropriate places within the conference. Their work during the plenary sessions is coordinated by the Rev. Yvonne Mercer-Staten. The Rev. Vivian McCarthy coordinates the ministry of ushers during worship at annual conference.
Page/Tellers, coordinated by the Rev. Pauline Wilkins, assist the conference by procuring in writing motions from the floor and assisting when written ballots or standing votes are required. Their duties increase this year with the quadrennial balloting for delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences. The Rev. Mark Smiley will coordinate the counting of the ballots.
Training for marshals, page/tellers and ushers will be held Saturday, May 5, at the Conference Center at 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. It is only necessary to attend one of the sessions.
People willing to help as marshals or ushers may contact Mercer-Staten at ; those willing to serve as page/tellers may contact Wilkins at
People willing to serve will be asked to indicate times when they are available. Those serving in these positions are not required to be members of Conference, and may gain insight into the nature of 'holy conferencing' at the same time they serve their church and Lord.
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