Online Archives

We want to hear from you

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November 3, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 20


We want to hear from you

We want to hear from you!

The UMConnection, the newspaper of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, would like to hear from you.

Letters to the editor are always welcome. We provide a space in our newspaper for your letters because we believe that it is important to provide a level playing field for everyone to express their opinions, good or bad.

Letters to the editor however, do have boundaries:

  • Letters must be original to the UMConnection.
  • Letters should be no longer than 250 words, or one single-spaced page.
  • Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length.
  • Letters must be signed and include the name of your local church and a daytime phone number for verification purposes.

You may send your letter via e-mail to:
, or to

You may fax your letters to (410) 309-9794.

Mail address is: Editor, UMConnection, 7178 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, MD 21046-2132.

Many conference newspapers do not provide this feedback channel. We consider letters to the editor an important part of our communications ministry and we extend an invitation to you to respond.

To spark debate and encourage your response, UMConnection will, from time to time, offer ?RSVP? opportunities. Soon you'll see these special boxes at the end of various articles throughout the newspaper, offering one or two questions designed to stimulate thinking ? and response.

So pick up that pen and paper; fire up the computer, log on, and let us hear from you. We really do value your input and feedback. We want to hear from you!

? Erik Alsgaard, managing editor


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