by Jordan Warner |
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 Romans 5:12-19 Matthew 4:1-11 It's amazing how relevant the Scriptures are in our day-to-day lives. Even though they were written thousands of years ago, God still finds ways to impact our lives with them. Personally, the highlighted Scriptures for this edition's 'Walking in the Word' are particularly relevant. As a junior in a large high school, there are many temptations and tests presented to me every day. It is definitely difficult to act as a Christian teenager should act ? following God ? when you are surrounded by people who are not rooted and grounded in Christ, and who could care less about whether you succeed or fail. In Genesis 2:15-17, God gave Adam and Eve a specific command that he expected them to follow. This is similar today even at school. God gives his children simple commands and we struggle to follow these orders. At first we start off on the right path, and everything seems to be going fine as we follow the path that God intended for us to be on. Then, all of a sudden, that teacher or student rubs us the wrong way, or someone asks us to do something that we know that we shouldn't do. That little tool of the devil called temptation is suddenly blaring in our face just as Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden, and just like Jesus was tempted in the desert in Matthew 4:1-11. These temptations, which range from taking drugs and having sex to cheating on a test, force us to make crucial life decisions. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of how to deal with these temptations. When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert, he was tested to the fullest extent. He never gave in. He allowed the Scriptures to be his gbwc_superusere. He didn't give in like Adam and Eve, whose decision led to sin for all of humanity forever and ever. The decisions we make as high school teenagers not only affect our lives, but also the lives of others around us. How we act and how we carry ourselves can make lasting impressions on peers who are themselves struggling to make good decisions and who are looking at us who profess to be Christians. Our classmates also need an example as to how to live, just as we need to look at Jesus as our example of how to live and how to make good decisions. By following God, who helps us to make the right decisions, our peers can see the Jesus in us and they will begin to want that special something that helps us to do the right thing. With all of the temptations in this world, there is no way that we can make it by ourselves. We cannot make it, except to make it through with good home training and working hard. Only Jesus can be our gbwc_superusere against temptations. All we have to do is have a personal relationship with him and use the Scriptures as our road map. Then we can have the confidence in knowing that if God is for us, who can be against us? Jordan Warner attends St. Mark's UMC in Boyds. |
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