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Walking in the Word: Holy Spirit bestows challenges

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the Holy
Spirit in
of Jesus'
promise to
send the


John 7:37-39
Acts 2:1-21
1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

Three years ago, with other candidates for probationary membership in our conference, I responded in writing to this question (among many others): 'What is your conception of the activity of the Holy Spirit in personal faith, in the community of believers, and in responsible living in the world?'

Later, we faced the members of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry at our first examination retreat. They questioned us about our responses to this question. Despite some uncomfortable moments when I squirmed in my seat as someone asked me a really tough question, we all must have given satisfactory answers because they recommended us for commissioning.

Last January, after three years in parish ministry (more for many of us), we probationary members had to answer another question on the Holy Spirit as part of the requirement for participation in the second examination retreat for full membership as Elders. This time the question was: 'What changes has the practice of ministry had on your understanding of ? the work of the Holy Spirit?'

Once again, we probationers must have answered this and all the other questions satisfactorily, for many of us received a letter from BOOM recommending us for ordination as Elders in full membership at the clergy session at annual conference, which will take place two weeks from now in Baltimore. Needless to say, we are all very excited.

In many different ways the lay members of the congregations where we, the candidates, serve have contributed to this entire process by their active participation in the Bible study that we led and their attentive listening to the sermons that we preached. Throughout this whole process, many laity included us in their prayers. Some even provided us with goodies, which I personally relished.

Inspired and gbwc_superusered by the Holy Spirit, the laity have done a lot to help the gatekeepers of our conference in this crucial act and art of discerning who are to be our churches' leaders.

Vocation to ordained ministry is a gift from the triune God. It is God who calls people to ordained ministry. It is also God the Holy Spirit who equips them with the gifts and graces they need to serve God's people effectively. The church ? the congregation as represented by the bishop ? then validates this call by the public act of ordination with the laying on of hands.

It is not only to ordained ministers, however, that God bestows gifts and graces. Every Christian by virtue of baptism receives the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of Jesus' promise to send the Advocate. It is the Holy Spirit who is the source of the variety of gifts that grace ordained and laity alike.

Having received so much graciousness, we are now commissioned in return to use our gifts and graces for the good of all. May we be as gracious to others as God has been gracious to us.

Maria Andita 'MaAn' H. Barcelo is associate pastor of Grace UMC in Baltimore.


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