Volunteers in Mission training available
Disaster Response Volunteer Training Event Registration Form
Or see e-mail registration instructions below.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief has requested that individuals and independent groups refrain from traveling to hurricane affected areas of the Gulf Coast.
UMCOR is currently making assessments and once the area is declared safe, Volunteers in Mission teams with trained leaders will be sent.
Disaster relief leaders stress that before people can become Volunteers In Mission, they must be trained.
The last training session in the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be held:
- Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Conference Center, 7178 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite D, in Columbia.
Those who wish to attend are asked to register at least two days before the training. For more information or to register, e-mail your name, choice of training date, mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and cell phone numbers, and the name of your church and district to Priti Khanna at or (410) 309-3437. Also, you may print, distribute, fill out and mail in the training event registration form.
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