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Vision promises to transform disciples

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2020 visionBY DAVID ARGO

A central part of participating in a community of faith is our desire to worship God and be guided by the Holy Spirit in ways that deepen our spiritual lives as we live in a world of commitments, unexpected events and growing older. For each of us, as a people of faith, an ever present question is: “Where is God at work and what can my part be in that work, which has transformed my life and can transform the lives of others, even the world?”

The 2020 Vision approved at the 2012 Annual Conference provides guidance for leaders. It builds on the experience of the last six years, in which the Discipleship Adventure utilized the framework of the early Christian church to engage in God’s transforming work in the world. The 2020 Vision provides a blueprint for some critical questions:

  • Who is a disciple?
  • What does a disciple do?
  • How do disciples grow?
  • What are the signs of a growing disciple?
  • What is a vital Acts 2 congregation?
  • What do vital Acts 2 congregations do?
  • What are the marks of a vital Acts 2 congregation?

You can read the complete 2020 Vision, which includes answers to these questions, online.

Worship, fellowship, study, service and witnessing are proven biblical activities, in which people experience God working in their lives and through them in the lives of others both in the church and in the community. The Listening Days last fall across the conference made clear that congregations want to make new disciples and be a part of God’s transforming work in the world. Many leaders during those sessions shared their desire to have their congregation move from membership to discipleship and reported the transforming power that transition has had in their lives.

The 2020 Vision sets hope-filled goals for our annual conference and lays out a $230 million funding plan that reflects confidence in God’s activity and our responsibility. The conference goals for discipleship, leadership development, congregational development and mission will guide our conference staff as they assist congregations in calling, equipping, sending and supporting disciple-making leaders to grow Acts 2 congregations for the transformation of the world.

As the Bible reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) The power of this vision, like any vision, is to take us beyond ourselves into a future which gives meaning to our present and purpose to work.

The risk-taking vision of John Wesley that the world was his parish and his compelling commission to Thomas Coke, “Offer them Christ,” are reflected in the boldness of the 2020 Vision and in the urgency inherent in the goals. Transformed lives is the outcome they seek – an outcome only possible as we become more like Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work on us, in us and through us.



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