VIM trip expands horizons
This summer, hundreds of United Methodists will be serving as short-term missionaries on Volunteers in Mission trips across the globe. Below, from Bowie UMC, is an example of what they're experiencing.
When a person asks, "Why go on foreign mission trips when we have so many needs here at home," the best answer is to smile and say, "Come and see, and if you are not convinced, we will return your money."
It is always so hard to describe mission trips to people who have never been. As I sit on our flight home from Haiti, I am overwhelmed with memories of all the sights and sounds and smells and feelings and people that have filled the past week on our UMVIM trip.
The discomforts and difficulties of the trip are eclipsed by the children and the smiles of our gracious hosts. The communication barriers were hurdled by love and the sincere desire to understand each other as we worked together. The heat and humidity of a cinderblock and metal church crowded with people yielded to vibrant worship and praise as we prayed and preached and sang together.
Bowie UMC took a step of faith when we decided to organize our first trip to another country in support of the construction of a hospital and primary school in Merger, Haiti.
A chance encounter led to a series of meetings and training sessions and six months later our team of seven people was staying at the Universite de la Grace in Port-Au-Prince while helping the Institute of Grace on its construction project.
We spent that week in June working with a young missionary, worshipping with Pentecostal churches, bonding as a team and growing in our faith.
We also delivered thousands of dollars of supplies gathered through our fund raising efforts.
At the end of the week, our two teenagers both lamented that we were leaving so soon and the one planning to go to medical school is now considering becoming a missionary doctor.
If you'd like to see pictures from the trip or read a blog by one of the team members, go to for the pictures and to for her blog. The author, my niece, is not a Christian so her perspective of the trip is unique and enlightening.
There is a blessing that comes with stepping out in service to God by giving ourselves to others. VIM trips are an awesome way to get outside our comfort zones and put our faith into action. Certainly there are important needs here at home that we must address, but a VIM trip can be a life changing experience.
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