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UMW focuses on protecting children

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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December 3, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 22


UMW focuses on protecting children

More than 280 women explored the theme, Protect the Earth for Children, All Children, at the 2003 annual meeting of the Baltimore-Washington Conference United Methodist Women, held at Bel Air UMC Nov. 8.

The featured speaker was Andris Salter, assistant general secretary for administration with the Womens Division, part of the denominations General Board of Global Ministries.

Using Christs example of loving and caring for all, Salter emphasized the need to safeguard the natural environment and to protect children. There is an immediate need to develop and create a supportive fellowship that cares for the earth. By extending that care to everyone, everywhere, the quality of life is enhanced for present and future generations, Salter said.

At the meeting, the Children of the Kingdom choir, McLellan Spirit Dancers and Rachel McDonald from Halls UMC in Glen Burnie, provided music. The Revs. Mark Derby, superintendent of the Baltimore-Harford District, and Barry Hidey, pastor of Bel Air UMC, served communion.

Six former conference UMW presidents attended the annual meeting. They included: Patsy Barton, Judy Beisner, Phyllis Butler, Helen Earl, Margaret Summerville Gaskins and Annie Thompson.

Officers were elected to serve on the 2004 Mission Team. They include: president, Caroleann Myers; vice president, Paulette Jones; secretary, Saundra Brooks; treasurer, Gabriella Patrick; spiritual growth, Mary Catherine Sencindiver; education and interpretation, Audrey Weems; membership nurture and outreach, Margaret Pennington; social action, Carol Borum; secretary of program resources, Betty Willson; communications coordinator, Darlynn McCrae; and nominations chairwoman, Edith Williams.

The Baltimore-Washington Conference United Methodist Women exceeded its 2002 pledge of $281,866 to the Womens Division by remitting $297,902, a difference of $16,036.

The women were reminded that $131,530 was still needed to meet the 2003 pledge of $264,323.

This year, 241 local units, representing all nine districts, gave in all five channels of undesignated giving: Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, Gift to Mission, Gift in Memory, and World Thank Offering. For committing themselves and their gifts to programs and services that help improve the quality of life for women, children and youth, these units were recognized as 5-Star Units.

Alveta Jones, mission coordinator for education and interpretation, recognized 68 Mission Today units.

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