Online Archives

UMCS announces new service centers to aide the poor

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By Don Llewellyn*

United Methodist Community Services (UMCS), an agency of the Baltimore-Washington Conference’s Board of Global Ministries, is a Conference-wide initiative that provides assistance to persons living in poverty and refers them to resources that are reliable and accessible.

With the recent addition of Saint Mark UMC on the Annapolis District, and Centennial UMC, located on the Frederick District, UMCS now supports 10 Service Centers located in three of the four Conference Regions.

Hot meals, pantry foods, clothing, limited shelter, health information and resource referrals constitute the major services offered at the Centers.

In communities where poverty prevails, resources usually are not sufficient for local churches to provide meaningful assistance to those in need. A primary mission of UMCS is to identify and recruit congregations able and willing to become supporting partners to those churches so that significant outreach ministries can be offered.

The Service Centers rely on UMCS to support their valuable outreach ministries. It is our hope to establish Service Centers in every district.

UMCS is here to serve you along with serving the needy. The UMCS directory is available online, offering pastors and the public a guide indicating where and how reliable resources are available. The website provides information about services being provided by local United Methodist churches, the Conference, interfaith and community organizations, non-profit organizations and government agencies.

You may reach the site by visiting the Conference web site,, and then choosing “Ministries,” “Mission,” and finally “United Methodist Community Services.” The web address is:

We invite and encourage local churches to include information about their church’s outreach ministries on the UMCS web site. To enter or change your church’s outreach ministries information, go to Login using your Gateway ID and password, then click on the link located on the left navigation labeled, “UMCS Home Page for Church Leaders.”

Another resource is the UMCS blog,, which invites churches and individuals to share and learn about available human resources. It encourages volunteers to relate inspirational encounters experienced with people they have assisted. The hope is that persons will offer information about successful fund-raising efforts they have conducted in support of outreach ministries, too. The blog also offers churches the opportunity to indicate their need for support in providing services to needy persons.

The theme of UMCS is “United to Serve!” It expresses the conviction that together, we have the opportunity to dramatically increase support of churches on the front line who are anxious to make a difference in the lives of those who live at and below poverty levels.

Contributions are needed. Those immersed in poverty today can be compared to members of the early Jerusalem church who were destitute. When the apostle Paul urged the Corinthian church to make contributions to alleviate their suffering, he shared this promise with them, ”You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.”  (2 Corinthians 9)

We urge churches to contribute to United Methodist Community Services ministries to those living in poverty.  We hope that your church will consider receiving an offering or conducting a fund-raiser during the Thanksgiving or Christmas season to support the expanding needs of the UMCS assistance network.

As an agency of the Conference Board of Global Ministries engaged in vital human services, we depend on contributions to continue and expand our important work. UMCS is a Conference Advance Special, #885.  

Please send contributions to Paul Eichelberger, BWC Conference Treasurer, 11711 East Market Place, Fulton, MD 20759.  Contributions by individuals can be made on the UMCS website or blog.

For more information on UMCS, contact the Communications and Administration office at , or call 877-386-UMCS.

*The Rev. Don Llewellyn is Executive Director of UMCS and a retired Elder in the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


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