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UMConnection honored by peers

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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection
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November 20, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 22



UMConnection honored by peers

The Baltimore-Washington Conference newspaper, the UMConnection, was singled out for several honors at the recent United Methodist Associa-tion of Communicators annual meeting in New Orleans.

Among the denominations annual conferences and episcopal areas, best of division awards went to the Rev. Dean Snyder for his editorial Going Public About Giving; to Melissa Lauber for her photograph Shepherds Watch Their Flock, and to the communications staff for the apportionment supplement titled All Because of Jesus.

At the awards banquet Nov. 1, several certificates of merit also went to the UMConnection; the UMConnection Daily, which provided news at the annual conference session; and graphic designer Carol Hammer for her work on the New Church Initiatives supplement.

Linda Worthington received a certificate of merit for a story on Cambodia that she did for United Methodist News Service; as did Yvonne Medley, a UMConnection correspondent, for her story on racism in the church.

John Coleman, the new conference co-director of communications, won two certificates of merit for the Caring Connection Calendar and his cover photograph titled Baptism for New World Outlook magazine. He created both while working as a consultant for the General Board of Global Ministries.

The Rev. Al Horton, of the Virginia Annual Conference, was named the 2002 Communicator of the Year.

Horton is past president of the communicators association, edited conferences Virginia Advocate publication, and was instrumental in developing legislation to strengthen the ministry of communication at the 2000 General Conference. He now serves as pastor of Mount Pisgah UMC in Midlothian, Va.

For more information on the United Methodist Association of Communi-cators see umac/.

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