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UM History: March 15, 2006

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200 Years Ago

Bishop Asbury?s Journal, March 2, 1806

  • Bishops Asbury and Whatcoat both preached on a cold Sunday in Alexandria, Va.

100 Years Ago

Methodist Protestant, Feb. 21, 1906

  • Since Rev. Melvin objected to naming a new Cumberland church for himself, it was named for the late Mrs. S.V. Melvin.

Baltimore Methodist Episcopal Conference Minutes, 1906

  • A list of Sunday School superintendents furnished a rare and unique list of churches on circuits around the conference.

25 Years Ago

Circuit Rider, Feb. 20, 1981

  • The Conference Center will move to 5124 Greenwich Ave. in Baltimore on March 13.

Circuit Rider, Feb. 27, 1981

  • Asbury Village resident, Pinkie Scott, clothed 74 gift dolls for poor children during the previous year.
  • Rev. Willard Williams, former Baltimore Conference pastor, will head the new Northeastern Multi-Ethnic Center.

10 Years Ago

Connection, Feb. 7, 1996

  • Shalom Zone ministries are being established in Petworth, Brightwood, Calvary, A.P. Shaw and Emory UMCs in Washington and at Eastern UMC in Baltimore. The national program is coordinated by Urban Ministry Director, the Rev. John Schol.
  • A Black History course is offered by the McKendree School in Baltimore. BMCR will celebrate Harry Hosier and John Stewart at Lincoln Park UMC in Washington.

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