Online Archives

UM History, February 1, 2006

Posted by Bwcarchives on

200 Years Ago

Bishop Asbury?s Journal, Jan. 19, 1806

  • Bishop Asbury preached to 1,500 people in an unfinished Wilmington, N.C., church with three balconies and a parsonage under construction.

100 Years Ago

Methodist Protestant, Jan. 10, 1906

  • At Deer Creek and Mt. Tabor churches, 30 people are active in Junior Christian Endeavor and 17 joined the church as a result of revivals.
  •  Investigators found New York Life, NY Mutual and Equitable Insurance companies paying 'boodle' to legislators and enormous salaries and pensions to insiders, leading to ouster of five officials.

25 Years Ago

Circuit Rider, Jan. 9, 1981

  • TV violence was deplored by head of United Methodist Communications who found five to seven violent acts hourly in prime time shows.

Circuit Rider, Jan. 16, 1981

  • The Conference purchased a former nursing home for conversion as a Conference Center on Greenwich Avenue beside West Baltimore UMC.

10 Years Ago

Connection, Jan. 24, 1996

  • Quick melt of deep snow flooded Centre St. UMC preschool in Cumberland and portions of Hancock UMC downtown. 
  • While 539 churches paid apportionments in full in 1995, 11 churches paid nothing.

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