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UM History: 8/17/05

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By Edwin Schell

200 Years Ago
Bishop Asbury?s letters, Aug. 5 1805

?  Thousands attended a camp meeting at Duck Creek.

Three hundred were converted July 24-29 under the preaching of Jesse Lee, John Chalmers and others, and

the exhortation of Christian Newcomer. Tents numbered 187 and preachers 69.



100 Years Ago
Methodist Protestant, Aug. 9, 1905

?  Marley Circuit began Sunday schools at Marley and Elvaton with three classes in each place. Elvaton had a good Children?s Day and Marley held a lawn fete and supper, which netted $61.

Methodist Protestant, Aug. 16, 1905

?  The Rev. Norman Ward left North Carolina Avenue Methodist Protestant in Washington, D.C., to accept a call to a church in Seattle, Wash.


25 Years Ago
Circuit Rider, Aug. 1, 1980

?  Covenant UMC is to be started in the new Montgomery Village near Gaithersburg.


Circuit Rider, Aug. 8, 1980

?  Under the lead of Trinity UMC in Frederick, a Brotherhood Day counteracted a planned Ku Klux Klan rally in Frederick.

?  The School of Missions, held at Western Maryland College, tutored 433 participants on Latin America, the interior life and the Bible on Missions.

?  The Rev. Marjorie Matthews was consecrated as the first woman to become bishop in American Methodism.

China is permitting churches to reopen.


10 Years Ago

Connection, Aug. 9, 1995

?  The Rev. Jane Ayers returned from serving in refugee camps in war torn Bosnia.



The Rev. Edwin Schell is the executive director of the United Methodist Historical Society.


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