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UM History: 7/20/05

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By Edwin Schell

200 Years Ago

Bishop Asbury?s letters, June 1, 1805

?  Bishop Thomas Coke sent a printed letter to many American preachers announcing his marriage and willingness to serve America ?for life.?


100 Years Ago

Christian Advocate, June 22, 1905

?  Conference evangelist, A.H. Zimmerman, led a revival at Hyattsville and Langdon.

?  Bishop Cranston and the Baltimore Preachers Meeting invited the 1908 General Conference to meet in Baltimore.


Christian Advocate, June 29, 1905

?  The Washington Conference Baltimore Preachers Meeting held a Mission and Church Extension rally at Whatcoat-Epworth Church to hear the Rev. M.W. Clair of Asbury Church in Washington, D.C., and C.W. Baldwin of the Missionary Society.


25 Years Ago

Circuit Rider, June 20-27, 1980

?  Conference authorized purchase of an unfinished Montgomery County building for the Korean Church served by the Rev. Peter Sun.

?  The clergy pension rate was set at $127 per year of service.

?  The World Methodist pulpit exchange will send five Baltimore Conference clerics to England.


10 Years Ago

Connection, June 28, 1995

Camp Joy drew 270 volunteers for a two-week workcamp at Hancock UMC to repair homes of poor people in Appalachia.

?  At annual conference, 29 Deacons and Elders were ordained and two diaconals were consecrated.

?  Bishop Yeakel reminded camp counselor trainees that his camp service led to his call to full time ministry.

The Rev. Edwin Schell is the executive director of the United Methodist Historical Society.


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