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UM History: 1/5/05

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200 Years Ago

Bishop Asbury's Journal, Dec. 8, 1804

  • Bishop Asbury was in North Carolina after riding 988 miles since leaving Baltimore. Asbury wrote, 'visited my friend Tomkins. He was expelled for selling a slave!'

100 Years Ago

Baltimore Methodist, Dec. 1, 1904

  • St. Paul's in Hagerstown reduced its debt to $11,400.
  • A new $2,500 parsonage is in use at Union Bridge.
  • Walbrook in Baltimore celebrated its 11th anniversary and reduced its debt to $1,100.

Methodist Protestant, Dec. 7 and 28, 1904

  • Rhode Island ME Church in Washington, D.C., gained more than 50 new members as a result of a seven-week revival.
  • Pastor Brown of Remington Keen Memorial was given a new suit of clothes for Christmas. He takes in members almost weekly, the paper reported.

25 Years Ago

Circuit Rider, Dec. 14 and 28, 1979

  • Volunteers from Good Shepherd UMC in Waldorf performed work in London.
  • The World Evangelism Director of the World Methodist Council, Alan Walker, preached at 'Mission to the Eighties' events in Baltimore, Washington and Hagerstown.

10 Years Ago

Connection, Dec. 7, 1994

  • Memorial UMC at Poolesville was the site of a funeral of a former Sunday school child murdered in Florida.
  • Evangelist the Rev. Gary Trail conducted his 100th evangelistic preaching mission.
  • Cooperation between the Wesley Foundation at the University of Maryland and University UMC was lauded.

The Rev. Edwin Schell is the executive director of the United Methodist Historical Society.


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