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UM History

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200 Years Ago

Harford Circuit Quarterly Minutes 1805-1830
? A book at Lovely Lane Museum opens with a list of 24 classes on the circuit in Harford County.

100 Years Ago

Christian Advocate, June 1, 1905
? Tent services were begun at Milton & Oliver Streets church site by the Rev. R.C. Benson of Exeter Memorial Methodist Episcopal under Missionary Society auspices.
? Bloomington Circuit dedicated a beautiful little church all paid for on May 21.

Christian Advocate, June 8 and 15, 1905
? Rev. Vernon Ridgeky and family occupied the new parsonage at Walkersville.
? The Rev. Spencer of Morgan College spoke at the commencement of Anne Arundel Academy at Baldwin Memorial church.

25 Years Ago

Circuit Rider, June 13, 1980
? Baltimore Parish work continued service of deaconesses, highlighting Manna House, camperships, Business Girls? Lodge and Arlington and Elderslie Church programs.
? The Circuit Rider circulates 18,000 copies including editions in 12 Baltimore Conference local churches.

Circuit Rider, June 20, 1980
? At annual conference, the Time to Grow fund drive authorized $5 million for 1981-1983. The conference budget was up 8 percent to $6.5 million. Bishop James and Mrs. Mathews were feted on his coming retirement with an American University Chair in his honor.

10 Years Ago

Connection, June 14, 1995
? The first elected General Conference delegates were the Rev. Bernard Keels and Sandy Ferguson from the staff.



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