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Two youth are "Good Samaritans"

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BRANDYWINE - Kelvin Moore and Lauren Roots of Asbury UMC recently received Good Samaritan Awards from the General Commission on United Methodist Men. The award is the highest given to United Methodist young people.

Roots, 7, who just graduated and is headed to West Virginia Wesleyan, was recognized for collecting school supplies and toiletries for children in Sierra Leone, a Girl Scout project she did in cooperation with Locust UMC in Columbia. She co-founded the Asbury youth choir and spearheaded an effort to provide a nursery during worship services.

Moore, 13, is an honor student in the eighth grade and a member of the youth choir. He was featured in a Washington Post story on the first anniversary of Sept. 11, described as a ?guardian angel? to Kenneth Foster, a neighbor whose wife was killed in the attack on the Pentagon.

For information on the awards or making nominations for the award, contact the Office of Civic Youth-Serving Agencies/Scouting, P.O. Box 340006, Nashville, TN 37203-0006, or .


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