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Two young men explore ministry

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DAVIDSONVILLE - Two youth from Union Memorial UMC spent two weeks in Nashville, where they responded to a call to explore the possibilities of ministry in The United Methodist Church.

Dante Young, 14, and his brother, DeRon Young, 11, attended the Thomas Schockley Youth Theological Academy?s 'Gearing Up for Leadership,' sponsored by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

The two are well grounded in their church, and very active, said their pastor, the Rev. Roberta Matthews. Dante is a musician and singer. DeRon is a drummer and singer, and assists with worship.

'He?s a wonderful preacher,' Matthews said. He preached his first sermon when he was 9-years-old.

The GBHEM?s offerings at the academy include Bible study, and classes on worship, spiritual disciplines, church history and polity, and leadership, geared toward young African Americans. The boys? parents drove them to and from Nashville, and the church is helping cover the costs.


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