'There are only two kinds of people...' By Jon Hann The occasion was the annual Christmas party hosted by the members of Shaft UMC for the boys forestry camp. The little country church looked festive with poinsettias, wreaths, a nativity scene and a beautiful tree situated near the altar. The pastor began to speak and the boys respectfully grew silent. There are only two kinds of people in the world, he told them. Oh, there are rich and poor people and even nice and not so nice people, but there are only two kinds of people. The pastor held up two fingers. There are smart people and not so smart people, and there are fat and skinny people, but there are only two kinds of people, he said once more, then teasingly paused to look out over the boys. As far as God is concerned, you either know him or you dont, he finally said, revealing the mystery of the two kinds of people. You have either accepted his Son or you have not. God doesnt care what color you are or whether youre rich or poor, or fat or skinny. You have either accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior or you have rejected him. There is no middle ground. The plan of salvation is rather simple in that God sent his only Son to pay the sin debt you and I could never pay. The Rev. Burchell then took the boys down the Romans road, citing Scripture that told them about righteousness, sin, love, confession and the fact that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I reflected on the party and the message for days. This was a very simple message that impacted me enough to fashion two small signs and place them strategically in the pharmacy in which I work. Both signs read, There are only two kinds of people. People are curious by nature and the interest shown in the signs has been overwhelming. Hardly a day passes that I dont hear the inquiry, What two kinds of people? I often reply with a question of my own, What do you think they are? The answers vary: rich and poor, mean and nice. Sometimes I have a little fun by asking, How about liberal and conservative? But the mood gets serious when I tell them, You are in the group who knows God or you are a part of the group who does not. I go on and explain what the Bible has to say about it as I am led. The pharmacy is very busy, but something strange happens when a curious person asks the question, What are the two kinds? Phones stop ringing and demands are lessened to give me a window of opportunity to share my faith. Out-of-town friends, Elaine and Willard Watson, after visiting with me, took this catch phrase to their Senior Saints Ministry in Bluffton, S.C., and to Vermont, where they recently went on a mission trip. Our church is in the process of ordering bumper stickers that should arouse more curiosity and prayerfully win souls for Christ. As far as God is concerned, there really are only two kinds of people. Jon Wes Hann teaches adult Sunday school and is a volunteer tutor at the Ronald Fatkin Learning Center at Shaft UMC in Midland. |
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