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The witness of attitude

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Job 1:13-22

First, the oxen and donkeys are stolen. Then, a fire from the sky (an act of God?) wipes out the flock of sheep. The camels are stolen by Chaldean raiders. Then, in the same day, if not the same hour, a 'mighty wind' collapses the house where all 10 of Job?s children were. All 10 children plus an unknown number of servants are dead.

God never gives a reason. We want one though, don?t we? If something unfair or unjust happens to a 'good person' (like you and me, of course) there must be a reason.

We wouldn?t dare say God made a mistake, but that?s how it feels. 'Why me, God?' The question may come back: 'Why not you?'

Would we react as Job did, with the appropriate acts of mourning, but then immediately fall to the ground and worship? 'Here I am, back where I started,' Job seems to say. God gives, God takes away. ? (Life is rough and then you die.)

'Blessed be the name of the Lord.'

Why is it amazing that 'Job did not sin or charge God with wrong'?

For 15 years, a parishioner of mine suffered a debilitating disease that eventually confined her to bed. The simplest movements, like sitting up or eating and drinking, required a monumental effort. This very strong and fiercely independent woman, only in her 60s, was completely dependent on nurses, aides and family to do everything for her.

I came to appreciate the simple movements of just walking into and out of her room, for she would never do that again.

During one visit, I asked her what she wanted me to pray for.

She said, 'my attitude.'

She knew that the one thing she could do was be a positive witness to her roommates and the staff. She could no longer control her body, but her attitude was still under her command.

When this story was told at her funeral, a nurse came forward and testified that indeed this suffering woman was a witness to her. She knew it was Jesus Christ who gave her strength and courage. As with Paul?s thorn in the flesh, it?s in weakness that God?s presence is strongest.

You may never suffer like this, but be sure that whether it?s a serious injury or ravaging disease, or something as simple as a bad day, people are watching you. The witness of attitude is everything.

Sometimes, it?s not winning the struggle that counts. It?s usually how we lose that preaches the best message. It?s usually at the bottom of ourselves that we draw closest to God.

Whatever it is that?s knocked you down, just reach out and grab the hand that has been stretched out toward you all along.

The Rev. Dennis Whitmore is the pastor of First UMC in Laurel.

for the Discipleship Adventure

Celebrate: Spend time today giving thanks and praise for those in your life whose attitude has been a witness for you.

Connect: When were you the 'only one left' to deliver a message? Is there a sadness that you need to share now? Trust another person with the message and share it together.

Serve: Visit someone today who suffers with a long-term illness or condition. Just visit and spend time - a precious gift.

Share: Tell someone today of a person whose attitude has witnessed to the love of Christ for you.


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