NEWS | Obituary The Rev. Haskell M. Miller, 93, retired, died April 13. The Revs. Philip Wogaman and John Godsey led a memorial service April 18, at Epworth UMC in Rehoboth Beach, Del., near Miller’s home at Methodist Manor House in Seaford. Miller was faculty emeritus at Wesley Theological Seminary where he was professor of sociology and social ethics from 1956-76. He was pastor at Petworth UMC in Washington, D.C., from 1966-68, as he began the first urban ministry program at the seminary, and was also director of the Wesley Institute of Urban Ministry from 1968 until his retirement in 1976. He also served in Buckeystown from 1956-58, before Wesley Seminary moved from Westminster to Washington, D.C. In addition, he had also pastored churches in Texas, Tennessee and Virginia. Miller transferred into the Baltimore-Washington Conference in 1956. He was born in Texas and received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Southern Methodist University. His doctorate was from New York University. He was ordained at the age of 19. Prior to coming to Washington, D.C., Miller had taught and was vice president and chaplain at Emory & Henry College, and later at the University of Chattanooga. The author of numerous books addressing social justice issues and the church, he also published poetry. One of his most recent books, copyrighted in 2000, was 'Social Ministry: An Urgent Agenda for Pastors and Churches.' Miller was a strong supporter of the Civil Rights movement in his preaching, teaching and actions. He participated in Civil Rights marches in Selma, Ala., Danville, Va., and Washington, D.C. Survivors include his wife of 73 years, Ada Miller, daughters Jo Kicklighter of San Diego, and Helen Quave of Potomac; son Tom Miller of Lewes, Del.; 12 grandchildren; and 13 great grandchildren. Condolences may be sent to his son Thomas Miller, 9 Willow Creek Road, Lewes, DE 19958. Memorial contributions may be made to the Haskell and Ada Miller Scholarship Fund at Wesley Theological Seminary, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016. |
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