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The days after Christmas

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A member of Potomac UMC explores, in verse, the meaning of the days after Christmas.


‘Twas a quiet night in January. The celebrations were through.
I was packing up Christmas and feeling really blue

Taking the stockings and garland  from the mantel without care,
I grumped to myself, pesky pine needles everywhere!

Undecorating the tree seems like a chore
Just when I think all ornaments are off -there is always one more!

All Santa, snowmen, and reindeer knick knacks
Are rolled into bubble wrap and stored in their sacks

From the porch the holly, and lights have to go
I look around grumbling, “No White Christmas snow!”

The candles from windows and wreath are all doused
Surveying the scene I moan, “What an unfestive house.”

It always happens. It could be mild or severe,
But the letdown, and sadness comes - same time each year.

It’s a glum sort of feeling. What’s it about?
I pondered the best parts of Christmas and tried to figure it out

At the top of my list, family time ranks high
The presents and story books, the kids trying to spy

There’s radio stations with carols 24 x7
I sing Twelve Days, but what goes with eleven?

I read and re-read the cards that everyone sends
I realize how blessed we are -such an abundance of friends!

Those grand meals with desserts we did eat, eat, eat, eat…
Then meet with my bathroom scale… And suffer defeat!

Vacation days, time off of school and from work …
Reviewing my list I suddenly turn with a jerk

It hits me like thunder realizing what I’d done
I had missed the main point of Christmas – the birth of God’s Son.

It isn’t about the stuff that I do, hustling and bustling around
Fussing and worrying, has the perfect gift been found?

Too busy to notice all the meaningful things that were there
So, I stopped my pouting and sat down to say a small prayer

“Dear Lord, help me stop this idea that Post-Christmas is blue.
Let loose the stressful things and hone in on you.

Christmas is joyful, and wonderful, for lots of reasons
But it needn’t be bound to that one day or season

Help me to just take a breath. Slow down and listen once more
To the story you told about Joseph, Mary and the Child she bore

The long journey of three Kings from the east
And the shepherds who were called to this Prince of Peace

You sent the most innocent gift, just a little baby
And if I remember this lesson then maybe, just maybe 

My blue feelings won’t linger and will soon disappear
And I will act more like your disciple this year

I resolve to open each day as a gift from under the tree
Unwrapping the possibilities that you have planned for me

You sent your Son to live amongst man
To show me how to do your work, and I can

Lord, I thank you for Christmas. Help me to carry it within me again.
Be with me on this journey. Merry Christmas. Amen.”

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A member of Potomac UMC explores, in verse, the meaning of the days after Christmas.

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