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The beet goes on at Hiss UMC

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Courtesy Hiss UMC
Madeline Niner, 85, the surviving spouse of a former pastor, is one of the regulars who pickles Hiss UMC's famous beets.
PARKVILLE ? For the past 23 years, Hiss UMC has included pickled beets on the menu at its oyster and ham fund-raising dinner. The custom started when Willie Kopp, a farmer from the area, donated beets from his farm to the church through a relative, Mardi Peters, who chairs the dinner committee. After Kopp moved to Pennsylvania, his beet crop increased and about five years ago, he began contributing bushels of beets to can and sell.

'The beets are a big draw to our annual dinners,' Peters said.

This year the members made and served 12 gallons of pickled beets from their 'secret recipe,' said Dianne Thompson, director of evangelism and communications. They served 600 dinners.

They also made more than 300 jars of beets, which they sell for $2.25 a pint or $3.75 a quart. So far this year, the beets have produced $2,300 for church programs.

'All year long they get calls from people not from the church, asking if any beets are left,' Thompson said.

Erik Alsgaard/UMConnection

TOWSON - John McCutcheon, renowned folk singer, plays an autoharp with the Christ Church of the Deaf choir at a benefit concert Dec. 3. More than 240 people attended the concert, held at Towson UMC, which raised more than $1,650 for the Deaf Shalom Zone to help pay a case manager.

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