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The Ballet Studio benefits from church

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Jack Mayo, left, Michele Wells and the Rev. Bruce Poynter finished a successful production of 'Molly Sweeny' to benefit The Ballet Studio.

WASHINGTON ? The Rev. Bruce Poynter, Michele Wells and Jack Mayo, members of Metropolitan Memorial UMC, performed the drama, 'Molly Sweeny' by Irish playwright Brian Friel, in early January.

The thespians donated their talent and skills to the production in support of The Ballet Studio, a non-profit dance arts education program for children ages 7 to 16, who are often from immigrant or minority backgrounds.

The studio recently relocated to the Brightwood Elementary School from Wesley UMC on Connecticut Avenue. 'Our new location and opportunity (to reach more students) are the result of our new partnership with Emory UMC's Beacon of Light,' said Barbara Gaskill, who founded the studio in 1992. Gaskill who has taught dance in the Washington area for 30 years, also directs the Liturgical Dancers of Metropolitan Memorial Church.

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