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That all may worship'

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According to the World Health Organization, if it were possible to gather all the people with disabilities into one nation, that nation?s population would
number over 650 million women, men and children. That nation would be the world's third most populous country, after China and India.

That nation would have the least access to education. Many people with disabilities receive little or no education, especially in developing countries. That nation would have the highest unemployment rate in the world and be the poorest nation on earth. It would have the least access to any sort of transportation. And, it would be the least evangelized nation with the lowest proportion involved in a church.

?My one hope would be that people take an opportunity to celebrate the gifts that are offered by those who are given the ?disabled? label and invite people with differing abilities to serve in worship and in other areas of the church?s ministry,? said the Rev. John Nupp, chairman of the conference Committee on Disabilities.

Churches can consider these issues during Disability Awareness Sunday, to be held sometime in October.


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