Online Archives

Storm damages UM buildings

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DUNKIRK ? When a brief but turbulent storm swept through Maryland Aug. 7, around 5 p.m., it left some damage in its tracks to United Methodist property.

The brick church sign at Cooper?s UMC was totally destroyed. The damage was the result of a man?s car hydroplaning on Route 4, striking the sign and demolishing both it and his car.

'The man himself was not hurt. Had the sign not been where it was, the church building itself would have been hit,' said the Rev. Darryl Zoller, pastor of nearby Smithville UMC, who went to Cooper?s to look at the damage.

A little further away at Deale, West River Retreat and Camping Center will have to replace the roof of a lodge. The storm felled a large tree that went through the roof and blew down five others that did not hit buildings.

'Fortunately, everyone was at worship at the time,' said Camp Director Andy Thornton.

By the next day, a crane was in to remove the tree and volunteers with chain saws cut it and the others up. The camp offered the firewood for sale on a load-and-haul basis.


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