Stop Slots
United Methodists are being called to take action to oppose a proposal to bring slot machines to Maryland.
On Oct. 29, in a special legislative session, state lawmakers will consider a proposal by Gov. Martin O'Malley to bring almost 10,000 state-operated slot machines to Maryland to finance an approximate $550 million annual shortfall in the state?s education budget.
Bishop John R. Schol is calling on all United Methodist to oppose slots. 'It is unconscionable that our government would continue to consider - and promote - slot machine gambling,' he said.
Statement on Gambling by Church Leaders
The expansion of the state's dependence upon gambling is a current and critical issue, that we are compelled to address. We firmly oppose the legalization of slot machine gambling in Maryland, whether by legislation or referendum.
We speak not only because of our collective conscience as religious
Both sociological and personal evidence abound regarding the vices and social ills that accompany legalized gambling. Its very real impact on low and moderate income families and individuals - on those for whom gambling becomes a compulsive behavior,
In current gambling jurisdictions, the foundation of the family is at greatest risk. There is a sharp increase in divorce, suicide, bankruptcy, child abuse
Introducing slots into our state sends a message that dollars are precious and people are expendable. This is not true. Marylanders will creatively work together to
Given these and other considerations, it is unconscionable that our government would continue to consider - and promote - slot machine gambling. We applaud the Governor for considering additional revenue to fund various programs and initiatives. But gambling should not be part of the equation. It jeopardizes the lives of untold thousands of individuals and
We urge state legislators to vote against all gambling proposals, including slot machines.
Bishop John Schol, Bishop, Baltimore/Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church
Bishop John Rabb, Bishop In Charge, Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
Bishop H. Gerard Knoche, Bishop, Delaware/Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Reverend Dr. John Deckenback, Conference Minister, The Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ.
The Reverend Lari Grubbs, Regional Minister, Christian Church Disciples of Christ
The Reverend Dr. Peter Nord, Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Baltimore
The Reverend Allen Spicer, President, Central Maryland Ecumenical Council
The Rev. Dr. Donald Booz, Church of the Brethren
Rev. Dr. Clark Lobensine, Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington
A Special Edition of the e-Connection addresses the gambling issue and what can be done to help.
Resources for Action
Tips when writing elected officials (PDF)
Sample letter to an elected official (Word Document)
Listing of Maryland Delegates and Senate
A quote on gambling from the Book of Resolutions (PDF)
Stop Slots Bulletin (B/W) - An insert for church bulletins for Oct. 27 (PDF)
Stop Slots Bulletin (Color) - An insert for church bulletins for Oct. 27 (PDF)
Bulletin Insert for Slots Hearing (PDF)
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