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Stirring up effective worship

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George Barna in his book 'Habits of Highly Effective Churches,' reveals a startling truth. Surveys indicate that among regular church goers, one-third have never experienced God's presence. In the past year, half of all regular church-going adults experienced God present at any time during the past year.

What does this say for worship in our churches? The jury is still out.

However, additional research by the Barna Group, points to two important insights about the difference between 'focusing upon filling the sanctuary and filling people's hearts with God's spirit.'

'First, the challenge of true worship is to get people to obsess on God,' Barna wrote. 'Only when we are completely focused on Him and fully determined to interact with Him in an appropriate way is He honored through our worship.

'Second, if the church exists for the purpose of facilitating life transformation, that level of life change is not because of anything we do but because of people's ability to truly experience God's presence. Thus motivating people to attend worship to encounter the living God needs to become an obsession of the church leaders.'

According to Barna, effective worship leaders also:

  • Establish that worship is about focusing on God, not God focusing on us;
  • Explain to the congregation how worship is both an attitude and an action;
  • Facilitate the ability to become intimate with God;
    Incorporate at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted music into their services;
  • Preach sermons the congregation perceives as having 'practical value;'
  • Rely on the Holy Spirit, and not the clock, to determine the length and content of a worship service.

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