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Spring workday at Camp Manidokan

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KNOXVILLE - In spite of a rainy, cold day, 20 members of Rehoboth UMC in Williamsport spent Saturday, April 8, preparing Camp Manidokan for the summer onrush of campers.

The group included children as young as 7, who raked and cleaned up trails, while some of the older men built additional rooms in the Shelter Area.

Other workers came from as far as north Baltimore to help, and non-church members also donated their time and energy for the annual work day.

'It was a great day,' said Al Korns, who helped to organize the Rehoboth volunteers and works on the church?s annual Appalachian Service Project. This was his first time to Camp Manidokan. He plans next week to help at a Girl Scout campground in West Virginia, he said.


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