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Snow begets innovation

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BWC churches responded to record-breaking snow storms with innovation that enabled worship and creative Bible study.


When record snowfall levels battered the region, several Baltimore-Washington Conference clergy developed innovative ways to continue Sunday services in blizzard conditions.

Pastors leveraged the power of social media and other creative methods to draw the churched and the unchurched closer to God.

On Sunday, Feb. 7, when almost all churches in the state were closed because of snow, the Rev. Ramon McDonald of Mount Oak Fellowship UMC delivered his sermon, "Focus on Jesus," from the comfort of his own home. More than 100 people were a part of the service. But they didn't challenge the winter elements and drive to McDonald's house. They simply picked up their phone or turned on their computer.

McDonald broadcast his church service on, a site that was recommended by his youth pastor. He used his home computer and a video camera. With ustream, he also downloaded popular Christian music videos from You Tube. He made sure to download videos that included the lyrics so people could sing along.

"One of our primary goals is to provide people a place to worship," McDonald said. "Worship is an integral part of someone's week. I have to provide an avenue for that. This is particularly important for our elderly and shut-ins."

The virtual worship experience gained traction last December, the Sunday before Christmas, when the Rev. Chris Owens of First UMC in Laurel held church via teleconference, using a product through

"I have reached so many people: a few people from as far away as North Carolina have participated, as well as some who are not Christians," Owens said.

"I think for many people, especially the non-Christians, this is a safe and non-threatening way to check things out, as far as what we do and what we're about," he added. "I'm not sure if they will ultimately come to our church or not. But it's a good start and it's an avenue that we didn't have before."

Other pastors who have come up with alternative ways of having church in bad weather include the Revs. Joan Carter-Rimbach of First UMC in Hyattsville, Marvin Wamble of Shiloh Community UMC, Chris Gobrecht of New Covenant UMC and Rachel Cornwell of Silver Spring Cooperative Parish.

"This is the kind of innovation that will move us forward to reach new disciples," said Bishop John Schol of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. "Using technology and social online media outlets to connect with people is both exciting and innovative."

Cornwell's service on Feb. 7 was via conference call. Her director of music played piano over the speaker phone. Hymns, Bible studies and prayer concerns were also voiced. A church member vacationing in Utah and a member who relocated to Panama also joined in.

"Many of the elderly who would have been homebound, regardless of the snow storm, were very appreciative and would like us to consider doing this on a more regular basis," she said, adding she wasn't able to collect tithes and offerings, but online giving may be a way to address that in the future.

The pastors primarily used their Facebook and Twitter pages to promote the virtual services, and others started to post the virtual church services on their own social media pages. Pastors e-mailed people who did not have Facebook.

"It really took off when I created a Facebook event," Owens said. "People were posting it on their pages and it just gained momentum. People saw the service as a great way to stay connected when they couldn't get out."

McDonald estimated that at the peak of the service there were 102 people signed on, but he said that does not necessarily give the real number of participants. He estimates that many families were listening together, averaging 2.5 people per sign-in, bringing his estimate closer to 255. Owens agreed, saying that many people were probably not listening alone.

"If I would have held the service at church (Feb. 7) like I did in the storm before Christmas, we might have reached 50 to 60 people," McDonald said. The service lasted 45 to 50 minutes and included members from Mt. Zion UMC in Lothian, Backriver UMC in Essex, Trinity UMC in Annapolis and Chesapeake Christian Fellowship in Davidsonville.

"I reached many more people than I anticipated. It shows that worship is a large part of their spiritual journey"


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