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Small church makes national cover

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KNOXVILLE, W. VA., ? Sandy Hook UMC, one of three churches on the Bolivar Charge, was featured on the cover of the fall issue of the 'Bible Expositor and Illuminator,' an adult Sunday school lesson series based on the King James Bible.

'We at Sandy Hook UMC feel that this is an honor to have our church on the cover of a national Sunday School lesson,' said the Rev. Douglas Fraim, the local pastor who serves the three churches.

The inside cover page explains that Sandy Hook UMC was built in 1873, situated just north of the B&O Railroad, C&O Canal and the Potomac River. The church built a bell tower in 1973 for a bell stored in the basement since 1936. The church has beautiful stained glass windows that portray various parts of Christ?s life, from birth to resurrection.


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