Six ideas to make a difference
1. Become a volunteer tutor - Many under-privileged students could really use a hand with simple subjects at school. Log-on to where you can plug in your zip code and find volunteer tutoring opportunities in your community.
2. Work with ASP for a week - Are you a Mr./Ms. Fix It? Try volunteering with the Appalachian Service Project for seven days, where you'll help repair homes for those in need. To learn more about how you can become involved, visit
3. Write your Congressperson - If you could change something about the way America does something, what would it be? What national and international policies are important to you? Write your local Congressperson and tell them! To get quick information about the people who represent you and how to contact them go to:
4. Clean up a local park - Devote one Saturday or Sunday afternoon, perhaps with your family or friends, to simply picking up every piece of trash you can find at your local park. Have a planned fun, social outing ready for afterwards.
5. Work at a homeless shelter/soup kitchen - Many wonderful kitchens and shelters are out there, in your area. They can always use another hand in serving the homeless. For a listing of shelters and kitchens near you visit:
6. Donate your hair to Locks for Love - If you're ready to get that summer haircut, you may qualify to help provide hairpieces to children suffering from cancer. You can view more information at
7. Sell lemonade to find a cure for cancer - Alex's Lemonade is an organization started by a 4-year-old cancer patient in 2000. Alex came up with the idea to sell lemonade in order to raise money to give to organizations to fight cancer. After raising $18 million to date, the organization currently encourages all to join the Lemonade Network by running their own stand. It's very simple and supports a wonderful cause. To learn more, visit
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