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Shelter ministry is connection in action

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HEBBVILLE - The Night of Peace Family Shelter was dedicated and honored at its location, Salem UMC, Aug. 22, when politicians, clergy, county government employees, Channel 2 TV and church members came together.

The shelter is the only year round emergency homeless shelter in Baltimore County. It houses up to 24 people at a time, only families with children, and they ?are welcome to stay as long as necessary while they seek employment and permanent housing solutions,? said the Rev. Colin Phillips, founder and president of the board of directors.
The shelter provides three meals daily, case management and a nurturing atmosphere. Back Home, a county program, provides rental subsidies when families are able to secure housing.

In 2006, Epworth Chapel UMC became a partner and helps to provide many of the volunteers that are relied on heavily in addition to paid staff. Several other churches support the ministry with money and supplies.


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