'Sharing our corn': Advent is a time of hope and solidarity
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By Eunice Arias and Luis Aramayo |
Luis was closing a workshop with pastors and leaders of the Iglesia Evanglica Nacional Metodista Primivita de Guatemala (the Methodist Church of Guatemala). He asked them to share their new insights about the issue of stewardship. A simple, true and very biblical answer came forth ? ?Stewardship is to share our corn?.
Up to this day, 2005 has shown itself as a year plagued by ?natural? disasters that have brought sorrow, grief and pain to thousands of families. They have devastated the land, torn down human constructions, isolated entire communities, killed thousands and separated tens of thousands from their homes. Here in Guatemala two Maya villages were completely submerged by mud slides due to Tropical Storm Stan. The mayor of one of these villages said his community will no longer exist and that they are considering declaring the entire area a ?cemetery?.
But this is not the only thing that these ?natural? phenomena have aroused. They?ve also shown what happens when economic profit is the priority of a community or a nation instead of the wellbeing of its population. It has shown that corruption has a long arm and no heart when food for the hungry and sick is ?controlled? by political parties and/or by those who have the power and resources to draw the line between life and death.
Is that all? No, thank God that?s not all! 2005 is also a year of Hope and Solidarity. Yes, once again God has had many hands and feet and arms and eyes and voices and hearts to support those in trouble. While there are not enough, there are many people working to alleviate their neighbors? suffering. Yes, Advent as Solidarity started some months ago and will have to go on for a long time if we want people to live, here and now, an abundant life.
?The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord, make his path straight. Bear fruit worthy of repentance.?
Matthew 3:3b and 8a?Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.?
Matthew 25:40
Advent is a time of Hope and Solidarity. It is a time to ?share our corn?. May this year be one that God will help us all to be faithful and go on spreading God?s love and justice all over the world!
We love you
Eunice and Luis
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