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Retirees represent 622 years of service

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25 clergy will retire from the Baltimore Washington Conference this year.

Early reports were that the 2009 retiree class would be a small one, perhaps 10 or so, with some who were eligible deciding the decline in the economy merited another year or two of work.

But somewhere along the line, the enticement and opportunity of retiring caught up, and the class of 2009 now includes 25 men and women who are, Elders,
Deacons and local pastors.

It was predicted a few years ago that in the Baltimore-Washington Conference retirements would likely outpace ordinations and commissionings, as happened last year. However, with 14 people being ordained as Elders and another five being commissioned as Provisional Elders, plus three Deacons, there is almost a balance.

The retirees this year represent 622 years of service, according to the conference Office of Pensions and Health Benefits. The years of service, not all within the Baltimore-Washington Conference, range from the 46 years served by the Rev. Bruce Birch to the fewest number by Ellin Dize, a local pastor, with four, and the Rev. Sharon Mills, an ordained Deacon, with less than six.

With this wide scope of service, the average for all retiring pastors is about 25 years of service.

Seventeen of the retirees are full-time Elders, four are Elders who have been on leaves of absence or serving in another conference; two women retirees, Sharon Mills and Judith Birch, are ordained Deacons. Birch retired at the end of 2008, after 21 years (9.5 as an ordained Deacon) from her position as Minister of Outreach at Leisure World.
Retiring also are two local pastors.

The Rev. Mary Kraus is retiring from Dumbarton UMC, where she has served nearly 19 years. Kraus, an early ordinand in the 1970s as women began entering seminaries at a much higher rate, has served almost 39 years, the longest of any of the women. She was Baltimore North District superintendent for six years prior to her Dumbarton appointment. She’ll be staying in the Washington area and is
looking forward to more time to continue her social justice

Another long-timer, the Rev. Anne Ross Stewart, is retiring after almost 35 years of serving in the pastoral counseling field. She will remain in the area while she continues counseling at her Edgewater office and teaching a day a week at Loyola College.

The Rev. Stephen Rettenmayer, who has served almost 39 years, is looking forward to continuing his management and support of a program to aid Zimbabwean pastors.

The Rev. Brindice Munoz, of the Bethesda Hispanic Mission, has served The United Methodist Church for 40 years. He will be visiting his family in Puerto Rico, then picking up his guitar again. He also plans to write his memoirs.

The conference will honor the retirees and celebrate their years of service during a luncheon May 19 and at the annual conference session June 5.

2009 Retirement class years of service

Bruce Birch, FE – 46
Judith Birch, FD– 10
Donald Burgard, FE – 41
Janet Cornelius, RE– 10
Peter Leland DeGroote, FE –16
Ellin Dize, LP – 4
Betty Preston Dunlop, FE – 12
Elsie McKenny Gladding, RE – 29
James Greenfield, FE – 16
Mary Kraus, FE – 38
Donna Jean Martin, FE – 27
Sharon Mills, FD – 6
Brindice Munoz-Rivera, FE – 40
Fritz Outlaw, FE – 18
Patricia Pride, FE – 23
Stephen Retenmayer, FE – 39
Thomas P. Roberts, RE – 27
Barbara J. Sands, FE – 26
Donna Snodgrass, LP – 12
Anne Ross Stewart, FE – 35
Carolyn Swift, FE – 27
Frederick Walz Jr., FE – 43
Ronald Ward, FE – 28
Catherine Yarbrough, RE – 18
Darryl C. Zoller, FE – 36




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