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Praying for The Vine (2)

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Prayers are being raised for the BWC’s newest worshipping community.

The Vine WorshipAt 10:02 a.m. each day, Steven Curtis Chapman sings “Let Us Pray,” on the Rev. Stan Cardwell’s cell phone. Then Cardwell, along with 30 families in the new church community The Vine, do just that.

Their prayers are part of Project 10:2b, which points to Luke 10:2: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field.”

On Sunday, March 5, at roughly 10:02, Cardwell began a worship service to consecrate the Emmorton Elementary School as a place of worship where this child-church of Bel Air UMC will meet.

The Vine is the newest worshipping community in the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

Bishop John Schol, the Rev. Karin Walker, superintendent of the Baltimore Metropolitan District, and the Rev. Anders Lunt, conference director of the Grow Congregations team, are calling on all members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference to join in Project 10:2b for at least a week of their choosing during Lent, supporting The Vine and praying for their own congregations.

The idea for creating a 21st century ancient church began in 2008, when the congregation of Bel Air committed to taking a risk and starting an off-site ministry.

“We’re doing something amazing here,” Cardwell said. “We’re reclaiming the spirit of Methodism.”

With a focus on small groups, and biblically based, experiential worship, The Vine is expected to reach those looking for a creative, relationship-based faith experience.

Learn more about The Vine at or


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