Praying for the disciples among us
By Rod Miller
Director of Connectional Ministries
As a young person beginning in ministry, someone in a district office sent me a note saying that they were praying for me. I will never forget that.
This week we are beginning a season of prayer as an annual conference in which we will be lifting each pastor and congregation by name. We believe that prayer influences and changes lives in powerful ways. It is our desire that every pastor and congregation know the benefit of being remembered by one another in prayer. I believe there is nothing more important that we can do for one another than to 'pray up' each one by name.
We offer this prayer emphasis to be incorporated in various ways:
- Staff at the Conference Center will be praying for the names and congregations listed each Monday morning at 8:45. Everyone is welcome to come and join in these prayers. Names will be listed each week on the conference Web site.
- Churches may wish to publish the names in their worship bulletins or e-newsletters on the Sundays preceding the Monday morning prayer and invite their congregations to unite in prayer at 8:45 on Monday mornings or at any other times during the week.
- Pastors who are receiving prayer may want to inform their congregations on Sunday that they will be lifted in prayer by the entire Conference on the following day.
- Individuals may want to keep the lists of names and congregations with them so to remember them in their daily prayer times.
- Expect God to be present as 'two or more are gathered in God?s name.' (Matthew 18:20)
- Watch for signs and wonders of God.
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