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Prayers for the Middle East Peace Conference

Posted by Bwcarchives on

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Several months ago, I was part of a delegation that met with Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, R. Nicholas Burns. The delegation included Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders representing the National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace. In the meeting we urged Secretary Burns to work with the administration to call for a Middle East peace conference. We were assured one was being discussed and that it would most likely occur by the end of the year. We are thankful that President Bush has issued invitations to world leaders to join him in Annapolis, MD to seek peace in the Middle East. I invite you and your congregation to pray for this conference and its participants so that important steps toward peace will occur. Below are a several prayers for the Annapolis conference from religious leaders that you may use. You may also develop your own prayers. I invite you to forward this e-mail to others in your congregation and to your friends and family. I believe that prayer and a sustained witness for peace will change the world.

Your brother and bishop in Christ, John



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