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Prayer for discernment for new bishops

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Join the conference in a prayer for discernment.

Praying HandsO God of the people, God of the church, God of our fragile faith:

Throughout our days we turn to leaders to direct us, to guide us, to show us the way to deeper faith and better lives.  O God, you have placed in our lives and journeys, people who have led us – people like preachers, teachers, bosses, principals, counselors, parents and trusted mentors and friends.  They have all given us wisdom, guidance and countless gifts.  And for that we are grateful.

In the greater church, we know that you have called leaders to guide the church, to direct its life, to empower its clergy and laity and to set the vision of mission and ministry in this new age and time.  We call these people bishop. 

During this season of our church life, we set aside this month – this time – for prayer, for discernment – that you might raise up new leaders, new bishops in our Conference.  Only you know, Lord, who might have those gifts, that heartfelt call, the many skills and talents needed to take up the mantle of leadership as bishop in The United Methodist Church. 

And so we pray this day, that you might send your mighty message to those who are called to be your leaders, to be our bishops.  Place your conviction on their hearts, that they might hear your call and answer in faith.  We also pray that you might open the hearts of those who are the followers, so we might discern who among these leaders would be the bishop you are calling forth from the Baltimore Washington Conference. 

Holy God – you have called from a burning bush, from an angel's voice, from a quiet mountain's strength, so we ask for your call once more – that others might hear, that the people might know and the blessing of a new bishop might be born. 

In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.


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