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Pondering and meditating

Posted by Bwcarchives on

A. Gather in a small group. Use these questions to gbwc_superusere your time of pondering and meditating on James? message:
1) Have you been hurt by people calling you a name? How did that make you feel? 2) Did they apologize for what they said?
3) Did your relationship with those people change or grow?

B. Read the excerpts from Ray Buckley?s article on Native American mascots. Ask:
1) Were you aware of the history behind the name 'Redskins'?
2) How does the name demean Native Americans?
3) Have you spoken with Native American friends or colleagues about their views on the mascot issue?
4) If the name of the Washington football team was changed, who would be affected? How?
5) How do you think God is calling you to respond?

C. Read the quote from Sarah James in the box below. Ask:
1) How do her thoughts reflect the love and care of Christian community?

Suanne Ware-Diaz is Associate General Secretary for the General Commission on Religion and Race, based in Washington, D.C.

'We must all work together in balance with each other. We must educate all people about respect for who we are and respect for our earth. We must work hard to know our non-Native friends. It is so important to find the common ground of all people. Some people think this is so hard to do because we come from many diverse cultures. But we must only look down and see that we are standing on the same ground.'

Sarah James, a Nee?Tsaii Gwich?in from the arctic area, taken from the book, 'Every Day Is a Good Day: Reflections by Contemporary Indigenous Women,' by Wilma Mankiller. (2004, Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO)

Another resource: 'Dancing at Halftime: Sports and the Controversy over American Indian Mascots,' by Carol Spindel (2000, New York University Press).



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