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Poetry theme of COSROW event

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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection
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MARCH 20, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 6

Feel the gentle breeze

What: Workshops for women sponsored by the conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women
When: April 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Baltimore-Washington Conference center, Columbia
Cost: $15
Registration deadline: March 30
Contact: Rev. Galen R. Menne at (301) 725-7630; Jane Grays at (301) 937-6392.

Poetry theme of COSROW event

The Baltimore-Washington Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women will host a day of learning and renewal at the conference center on April 13. 

According to the commissions chairwoman, Linda Worthington, this years program is very different from the last four annual programs, which were evening celebrations. This years daylong event is geared toward laywomen in local churches and workshops will provide learning opportunities.

The keynote speaker for the day will be the Rev. Youtha C. Hardman-Cromwell, the director of practice in ministry and mission at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Hardman-Cromwells talk will be titled Life Aint Been No Crystal Stair, after the poem by the same name. 

Im going to focus on how women are doing in terms of the church, Hardman-Cromwell said, noting that the talk will address some of the threats to the full participation of women in the denomination.

According to Hardman-Cromwell, the role of women in the church has been improving, but she warns, I think that they need to be vigilant so that the ground that has been gained is not lost. Women need to pay attention to what the church is doing and not trust anyone else to take care of them.

In addition to Hardman-Cromwells address, three workshops are offered. The Rev. Susan Hallager, pastor of Crosswalk, a new church start northeast of Frederick, will present a session called Binding up the Brokenhearted about dealing with domestic violence. 

Judy Worthington, director of the Congregational Health Partnership at Inova Health Systems in Fairfax, Va., will present Ruth and Naomi: Every Womans Journey Through Life, which will explore life transitions. 

Nan McCurdy, a Baltimore-Washington Conference missionary to Nicaragua, will lead a workshop called Gender and Justice: We Can Be Martha, Mary, or Both, discussing various aspects of global economic justice.

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