Pastor publishes two books
ESSEX - The Rev. Robert Hurley, who retired almost 20 years ago, has published two books in the past two years. He recently held a book signing party at Back River UMC for his latest, 'The Unchanged Word for a Changing World,' which was released in October. Its 220 pages include 32 sermons for major church events from 50 years of preaching.
Churches are using his first book, 'The Family in a Changing World,' as a non-religious gbwc_superuserebook for family life courses. The 110-page book covers birth to management of an estate, based on Hurley?s 30 years experience in family counseling, and teaching psychology of aging at community colleges.
Hurley is available to do book signings or lectures on the 'Family' book. Both books are available from the author. He can be reached at (410) 687-4709.
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