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Pastor honored as 'Pillar of Faith'

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Rev. Peggy Ann Johnson, pastor of Christ United Methodist Church of the Deaf in Baltimore, was one of 12 honorees to receive the fifth annual James Floyd Jenkins Pillar of Faith award of the Howard University School of Divinity.

The award was presented at a luncheon April 29.

Johnson is the first United Methodist pastor to receive the honor, which was given for her extensive pastoral work in areas ranging from music and volunteerism to ministry with the deaf. She was recognized for leading the first Volunteer in Mission teams to Montego Bay, Jamaica, and to Kenya.

The annual awards are sponsored by the United Church of Christ and the Howard University Divinity School. The luncheon was co-chaired by the Rev. Burton Mack of Asbury UMC in Frederick.


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