Outreach defines churches
They never imagined that the simple act of looking out the window could turn into a mission project.
When members of a small group at Bel Air UMC saw a moving truck in front of a house, they walked across the street and helped a family move into their new home. They were inspired, they said, because after studying Rick Warren?s 'Purpose Driven Life' and other materials they didn?t feel comfortable staying inside and insulated from new neighbors.
In Warren?s 'Better Together: 40 Days of Community,' the question is asked, 'What on earth are we here for?'
'Let?s be in a group and practice how to create change,' answered the Rev. Barry Hidey, senior pastor of Bel Air. 'We need to put the Bible into practice,'
In the '40 Days of Community' workbook, Warren states that koinonia is caught rather than taught. Koinonia is the Greek word that primarily means fellowship - that Christian brothers and sisters are to fellowship with one another by loving, sharing faith and encouraging one another.
Trinity UMC in Prince Frederick also embraces Koinonia. The church finished studying 'Forty Days of Community,' and 22 small groups emerged and are flourishing.
'The new, different groups are out in the community,' said the Rev. Jim Farmer, pastor. 'People are having small groups in their homes and other areas of the county.' The fellowship allows more people to engage in small-group mission projects by inviting those who live in their communities to help and save time in traveling.
The small groups in both churches have engaged in projects from doing repairs in homes and shelters to playing bingo with elderly neighbors in nursing facilities.
A major obstacle for many is getting out of their comfort zones to reach out to others.
'The Holy Spirit nudges people every Sunday and touches people?s hearts,' said Hidey. 'The church needs to go out with eyes open; you make connections when you look outward. God has a way of making it happen.'
'At first people were afraid to have people in their homes,' said Farmer. The fear subsided after having weekly prayers. 'When we trust God, we trust the Spirit to move,' he said.
Warren states that love requires community, and we have to be connected with each other in order to love another. There is no perfect community, his book says, but God?s design is to use the conflicts that may arise to help people grow deeper and wider in faith.
?Community? parallels with the Discipleship Adventure,' Farmer said. Both encourage disciples of Christ to celebrate, connect, develop, serve, share and grow in faith.
The Baltimore Washington Conference is planning to have an immersion series based on the 'Forty Days of Purpose.' It is expected to begin in 2008.
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