Our village opens its heart to you by Lauren Lay Dear Andrew Wesley or Alivia May: In the infinite wisdom of yet-to-be born infants, you probably know this already, but I need to let you know that the adage is true. It really does take a village to raise a child. It takes a village with a heart to love a child into, and through, this world. I am writing this, my first letter to you, to let you know that the village is rooting for you. The village is praying for you. The village extends way beyond the boundaries of geography as people reach out to you. Andrew or Alivia, you are a very special child. I know your parents very well. Angela and Jimmy Koontz are members of Shiloh UMC in Hagerstown, where I am the pastor. I officiated at their wedding. I wept and prayed with them when they lost your sibling in a miscarriage. My dearest child, you are scheduled to be born right about now. As soon as you are born, you will fly off to a hospital in Delaware for surgery on your heart. This will be the first of several surgeries. The village I referred to earlier is already working hard to love you into the world. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a small fortune to pay for all the medical expenses. I prayed with your mother this fall when we found out about your heart. At that time I told her that the church was always responding to the needs of strangers and that I was sure that they would respond to your needs. Well, Andrew or Alivia, you wont be disappointed in the village. One Sunday last month the Lil Disciples made an announcement in church that they were in need of rocking chairs because they would be holding a rock-a-thon to raise funds just for you. They rocked the night away at the church because they have a heart for you! Funds have also come into a special account the church has set up, and several more fundraisers are in the works. How many yet-to-be born babies can say that a 4-H pig is going to be auctioned off for them? I told you that you were special. There will also be a special offering taken at the Community Lenten Service that will be held at Shiloh UMC on March 24 and chocolates will be sold by the Youth Fellowship. I got a call from someone who works with your father who asked if it would be all right if his church hosted a spaghetti fundraiser. Would it be all right? I love this village. When I talked to your mother this week, she told me that she was strong because of the prayers and the love and the support of her church and the wider community. One Sunday before you are born, your mother will sit in a chair in the front of the sanctuary with your father by her side. I have been asked to say a special blessing for you. God will give me the words I need to ask for traveling mercies as you enter this world and take your first flight to your first surgery. God bless your little heart, dear child of God. And God bless your parents and your grandparents and your great grandparents who are part of your church so that they may love you and each other in the months and years ahead. And God bless your church family and the people in your ever-widening village. Andrew or Alivia, I pray that God will make us a village with a heart centered in his son, Jesus Christ. Shalom, Pastor Lauren Rev. Lauren Heather Lay is the pastor of Shiloh UMC in Hagerstown. |
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