Obituary-Venera Foy
Venera 'Vee' Richards Foy, 95, surviving spouse of the Rev. James D. Foy, died April 22 in Albuquerque, N.M. She had had Alzheimer?s for many years. Funeral services were held in Albuquerque.
Venera Foy was a home economics teacher in Camden, Ark., prior to her marriage to James Foy on Christmas Day in 1941. Rev. Foy had served in the Washington Conference from 1938 to 1967 in Pennsylvania, Lewisburg, W. Va., and at Mt. Zion in Washington, D.C. From 1955 to 1968, he was pastor at Asbury UMC in Washington, coming into the Baltimore-Washington Conference with the merger of the two conferences in 1965. He became Washington East District superintendent in 1968 until his retirement in 1975. He died in 1995.
Foy completed her bachelor and master?s degrees at the University of Pittsburgh, and after moving with her husband to Washington, D.C., she completed her doctorate in gbwc_superuserance and counseling. She worked her way from being a junior high teacher to administrator at the high school level and retired from the Washington School District after 25 years of service.
The Foys moved to Albuquerque after his retirement and she remained there after his death. They were active members of First UMC in Albuquerque.
Survivors include a grand nephew, three grand nieces, 10 great grand nieces and nephews, 11 great great grands, and five great great great grands.
Condolences may be sent to grand niece Sivlois Reeves, 11801 Tracy Court NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111. 505-299-8406.
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