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Obituary - Mary H. Bartlett

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Mary H. Bartlett, 95, the wife of the late Rev. Robert L. Bartlett Sr., died at her home in Cherryfield, Maine, April 12. A memorial service was held April 17.

Mary Tillery was a widow when she and Robert Bartlett married in 1972, just as he retired from active ministry. He continued serving as a part-time pastor in his retirement at Oakland UMC in Sykesville, Urbana UMC and Pipe Creek Charge, where he died in 1977. She accompanied him to visit the sick and shut-ins, and to do "all the things a good pastor does to minister to his parishioners," his memoir in the 1977 Journal said.

Bartlett worked in the library at Johns Hopkins University for a number of years. She loved music and poetry and played piano by ear.

After her husband's death, she continued living in the Baltimore area until 2004 when she moved to Maine to live with her granddaughter.

Her only child, Edwin H. Tillery Jr., died in the past year.

The only survivor is her granddaughter, Bonnie Johnson. Condolences may be sent to her at 382 Spragues Falls Road, Cherryfield, ME 04622.


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